clsung is reading

2019 LINE Developer Day – Face Recognition Check-in Mechanism

人臉辨識是近年來非常流行的技術,如今幾乎已是深度學習的天下了,而這門技術的應用上,現在還是非常的火紅的話題。這次參加的 LINE DevDay,就採用人臉辨識當做報到的機制。

2019 LINE Developer Day – Project Management and Agile

近十年來(其實應該超過十年了),敏捷開發逐漸在軟體工程中佔有一席之地,這個的定義大概就是如果有人說他做軟工的,那你可能會回一句「所以你對 Agile 應該很熟吧」

2019 LINE Developer Day – Hadoop Cluster Federation With 2k+ Nodes

上週以 LINE API Expert 的身份參加了今年於東京台場舉辦的 LINE Developer Day 活動。其中有一場硬底子的分享我覺得蠻值得一提的,簡單一句就是用 Hadoop 在上層做 Cluster Federation ,總共管理了超過二千個節點。

20190628 Chatbots Meetup 10

Evan Lin 邀請,6/28 參與演講了 Chatbots Meetup 10 的第二場,分享如何在 Google Cloud Run 上部署 LINE Bot 的經驗談。(好像拖稿很久了)

Fix: Unit “containerd.service” has failed

When I upgraded yum packages, docker service had stopped. So I check the system status try to figure out the root cause….

[GCP] Create disk from snapshot of another project

Step 0: create snapshot from desired disk, example name: disk-snapshot-20171026

[docker] Multi-stage builds

Consider the following scenario: you are going to rolling update your cluster, and it turns out your network bandwidth is limited for some reason and size of built docker image is not small enough. What’s worse, every instance of cluster will need to pull the docker image before start-up…

CoreOS remove early-docker since 1284.0.0

It happens the docker daemon wasn’t alive when I login to the console.

Update salt from 2015.5.3 to 2016.3.2

When reading salt’s source code, it seems we have a ‘source_hash_update’ option on “archive.extracted”, however when I added so, salt complains:

Warnings: 'source_hash_update', 'group' and 'user' are invalid keyword
              arguments for 'archive.extracted'. If you were trying to pass
              additional data to be used in a template context, please populate
              'context' with 'key: value' pairs. Your approach will work until
              Salt Carbon is out. Please update your state files.

Developing with consul on Macbook

For development use, we need to have consul running on localhost. When using a Macbook (Air), we need to specify the “-bind=” and “-client=” in order to have programs (tests) access to the consul agent in the container: