Year: 2017

[GCP] Create disk from snapshot of another project

Step 0: create snapshot from desired disk, example name: disk-snapshot-20171026

Step 1: copy the selfLink from snapshot’s equivalent REST response: projects/another-project/global/snapshots/disk-snapshot-20171026

Note: One can get the link via the following command:

Step 2: execute the following command (replace current-project and asia-east1-a with your own project and zone, respectively)


[docker] Multi-stage builds

Consider the following scenario: you are going to rolling update your cluster, and it turns out your network bandwidth is limited for some reason and size of built docker image is not small enough. What’s worse, every instance of cluster will need to pull the docker image before start-up… Read More

CoreOS remove early-docker since 1284.0.0

It happens the docker daemon wasn’t alive when I login to the console.

After review the release document, it seems should be remove in all related target.

Ref: CoreOS Release 1284.0