QuickNote: follow the Official guide may not be enough.

At first, I put ‘django’ in requirements.txt and put in the root dir of the DotCloud project, but it failed.

And when I trace the log, it shows….

Then I figured out the reason, I didn’t put the requirements.txt in the right directory. So I move requirements.txt to the same directory where wsgi.py in.

But wait, I still got the error message:

To investigate, let’s what happened to the wsgi.py

So I should follow the guide, let’s commented out line 4~8. But I got another error:

The similar problem reported on dotcloud forum can be found here. However, I found the official document is not suitable for me, at least I didn’t want to add any extra files to my original repository. So the final version of dotcloud.yml, wsgi.py is here:

wsgi.py: (Note the line 2, 3 is for django path search, line 4 is to specify which settings.py to be loaded)

Finally, my django project rocks on DotCloud, and the best part is I don’t have to add any extra files to my project directory.